Natural Flu-Fighter Tea

Natural Flu-Fighter Tea

Flu and colds come upon us with no mercy. As both illnesses are a result of viruses rather than bacteria, it is difficult for your family doctor to give proper recommendations.

Antibiotics are not going to help a viral infection and although the flu shot may help some individuals, it definitely is not the answer to preventing the flu, as there are so many variants of the virus.  From a naturopathic perspective, it is important to boost your immune system health with herbs, nutrients, adequate fluid intake, proper rest and exercise. 

Here is a simple and inexpensive homemade recipe that is effective at treating colds and flu. It may seem old-fashioned, but there is science to explain each component of the tea.  

Flu-Fighter Tea -- Fill a pot with about 3-4 cups clean, filtered water, and add the following:  - Juice of 1 lemon - 2 thumb-sized pieces of fresh ginger root, sliced - 2-3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped - 1-2 tablespoons of  honey (or to taste)  Simmer for 10 minutes. Drink 3-4 cups per day when feeling symptoms of cold or flu approaching and continue drinking this every day until five days after symptoms have completely abated.  The lemon in the tea contains vitamin C to boost your immune system response, as well as flavonoids that stimulate liver and colon function. Ginger root improves circulation, and increases heat in the body allowing for enhanced elimination of toxins and pathogens. Garlic has proven anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties and stimulates the immune system. Honey, in addition to making the tea more palatable, has anti-bacterial properties. 

Pass this simple recipe on to your friends, family and colleagues. The more people we keep healthy, the less exposure there will be to pathogens in our environment.   All the best in health…Enjoy!

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