
Strategies for Staying Alert and Overcoming Afternoon Slumps

After eating your lunch, you may find yourself yawning, feeling sleepy, and experiencing a bit of tiredness and laziness. This phenomenon is commonly known as the afternoon slump, typically occurring between the hours of one to three in the afternoon. It’s at this time you begin to lack the energy, motivation, and focus to continue with your tasks. While many people attribute this slump to their lunch, there's more to it than simply feeling full after a meal, or what they ate. Yes, this can be a factor, but one of the main contributing factors is your circadian rhythm, the 24-hour sleep-wake cycle. If your rhythm is disrupted, you may feel even more sleepy than usual in the afternoon. Your lifestyle choices can play a role in the slump. Factors such as inadequate sleep, dehydration, or chronic stress can contribute to feelings of fatigue and lethargy. What Can You Do to Combat Afternoon Slumps? Here are some strategies to help you prevent the afternoon slump and stay alert during a

Keep Your Brain Sharp and Young

As we reach the age of 50 most of us would probably have some degree of impaired memory, experts say. During aging, one’s ability to recall information may start to decline.  The good news is that there are ways to avoid or reduce this memory loss from happening. In fact, a person can certainly be smarter as they get older.  Does this seem too good to be true? Here is how to apply it to your life. What Happens to Your Brain as You Age A study was conducted to test the memory of people from different age groups. Participants of the study were asked to memorize 75 words as they read the list out loud for five times. The results showed that the 18-year old participant scored 54, the 45-year-old participant scored 47 while the 65-year-old person only had 37.  Dr. David Weeks, a neuro-psychologist at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital says that this decline in memory is not caused by death of brain cells.  Human beings lose as many as 10,000 brain cells each day by the time they reach 40 years ol

A Guide to Carbohydrates and Weight Loss

Carbohydrates are nutrients that your body breaks down to create sugar. Like other nutrients, carbohydrates also provide vitamins and minerals. But what does this have to do with losing weight? Why Does The Body Need Sugar? The cells in our body use sugar to make energy and your brain runs off of it exclusively for fuel. So, just like gas for your car, carbohydrates keeping the motor running. And while it is also true your body can run off fat and protein for a while, it will eventually need to switch back to carbohydrates, otherwise it will start eating its own muscle for fuel – not a good idea when dieting since it lowers your overall rate at which your body burns calories. Two Kinds of Fuel   There are two types of carbohydrates: simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are easily absorbed and provide quick energy to the body. Have you ever reached for a candy bar when you were feeling tired? That’s you feeding your body simple carbohydrates to get the boost you needed. More example

How Exercise Can Help You Stay Young

The real secrets  process cannot be found in the hands of a plastic surgeon. It also does not mean that you need to have plenty of money to splurge to be able to have your skin, face and other body parts look younger than your age.   Slowing down the aging process only takes a pair of good shoes and a determined mind to stick to a regular exercise schedule. Exercise has been shown to prevent acceleration of the aging process, but what is the science behind it? Exercise Significantly Influences Mitochondrial Biogenesis  The mitochondria is referred to by experts as the “power plant” of the cells that plays a crucial role in generating energy to be used for many metabolic functions.  In simple terms, mitochondria can be considered the “essence” or “vitality” that exists within each cell. As we age this vitality dissipates and weakens. This causes a circular reaction in which our whole body becomes less engaged and weakened. This causes a further reduction in power in the mitochondria and

Easy Healthy Eating Tips

Eating a balanced and nutritious diet is crucial for maintaining good health. Here are some healthy eating tips to keep in mind: 1. Fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables: These are rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Aim for a variety of colors to ensure you're getting a broad range of nutrients. 2. Choose whole grains: Opt for whole grain bread, pasta, rice, and cereals instead of their refined counterparts. Whole grains are packed with fiber and provide sustained energy. 3. Include lean protein: Incorporate lean sources of protein, such as poultry, fish, beans, tofu, and low-fat dairy products. Protein is important for muscle repair and growth. 4. Limit added sugars: Minimize your intake of sugary beverages, snacks, and desserts. Instead, satisfy your sweet tooth with naturally sweet fruits. 5. Watch portion sizes: Pay attention to the serving sizes recommended for different food groups. Using smaller plates can help control portions and prevent overeating.