How Exercise Can Help You Stay Young

The real secrets  process cannot be found in the hands of a plastic surgeon. It also does not mean that you need to have plenty of money to splurge to be able to have your skin, face and other body parts look younger than your age.  

Slowing down the aging process only takes a pair of good shoes and a determined mind to stick to a regular exercise schedule. Exercise has been shown to prevent acceleration of the aging process, but what is the science behind it?

Exercise Significantly Influences Mitochondrial Biogenesis 

The mitochondria is referred to by experts as the “power plant” of the cells that plays a crucial role in generating energy to be used for many metabolic functions. 
In simple terms, mitochondria can be considered the “essence” or “vitality” that exists within each cell. As we age this vitality dissipates and weakens. This causes a circular reaction in which our whole body becomes less engaged and weakened. This causes a further reduction in power in the mitochondria and so it continues. 

Exercise can break this cycle by increasing the mitochondrial mass of cells via a process known as mitochondrial biogenesis. This increases the power or vitality of the cells, instigating the process of anti aging at the cellular level.
Regular exercise influences certain processes in the body to prevent the reduction of mitochondrial mass in order to slow the aging process. This statement was based on a 2011 study published in Applied Psychology, Nutrition and Metabolism which revealed that when a person exercises their body will become capable of inducing many changes in the content as well as activity of the mitochondrial enzyme.

This will then lead to an increase in the body’s cellular energy production which in turn will also lower the risk of suffering from many chronic diseases associated with aging. The best thing about it is that mitochondrial changes will not only impact a person’s fat tissues and skeletal muscles.  Any positive changes in mitochondrial biogenesis can also be beneficial for many other vital organs in the body such as the brain, kidneys and liver. 

The Importance of Boosting Mitochondrial Activity:

When mitochondrial activity is being powered up free radical damage can significantly be prevented.  These free radicals occur as toxic byproducts of the body’s metabolism.  Exposures to toxins, chemicals and pollutants can also cause increased free radical damage in the body. These free radicals can wreak havoc on the tissues and cells resulting in the destruction of the person’s DNA as cellular lipids and proteins will also be damaged. 

If nothing is done to prevent damage and decay in the mitochondria the person increases their risk of impaired ability to use fat and carbohydrates for energy.  In addition, they are more likely to become insulin resistant and overweight or obese. Above and beyond this, it also contributes to accelerated aging. 

Exploiting the Power of Exercise to Combat Aging:

A study aimed at finding out the long term effects of exercise was conducted and published in the journal titled Circulation.  The study proved that exercise helps a person to stay young as it lowers the levels of inflammation in the body. The researchers ensured that the study participants adhere to a prescribed level of physical activity of 150 minutes per week. 

Spending 150 minutes of exercise per week can be broken down into 20-30 minutes of physical activities each day.  How do you make this work for you? You may opt to go for brisk walking, jogging, cycling, running coupled with some time spent on gardening and in doing any household chores.

The most important thing is to be physically active. Steer clear of any extreme forms of exercise which may increase inflammation in the body.  


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