Tips For Better Eating Habits
Considering the bulging
waist lines of 36.5% of the population in the United States (CDC statistic on
obesity), it is obvious that sticking to a healthy eating plan is a challenge
for many people. If you are having problems sticking with that resolution that
you set in January, here are some simple tips to help you start to create new and
healthy eating patterns.
· *Calories count. It's not
low fat vs. low carb. You can eat fewer calories by eating less food (which is
why you can lose weight on any diet that restricts entire categories of foods
or limits portion sizes), but you may get hungry and gain it back. Fat has 9
calories per gram, but protein and carbohydrates have only 4 calories per gram.
This means that when you eat less fat, you consume fewer calories without
having to eat less food. Eat less fat and fewer simple carbs. To achieve a one
pound weight loss per week, 3500 calories should be subtracted from your normal
weekly caloric intake. To do this, reduce your normal daily caloric consumption
by 200 to 300 calories per day and increase your physical activity with a goal
of burning an additional 200 to 300 calories per day.
· *Be accountable for what
and how much you eat, keep a food journal for a month or at the very least a
few weeks to be aware of what, when and why you are eating. Paying attention to
physical cues and signals can help you determine when your body is cuing you to
eat due to hunger as opposed mental or external cues. Ask yourself, "Am I
really hungry or am I eating because it is there, it smells good".
· * Do not restrict foods! There are bad foods but
there are also inappropriate portion sizes!
If you neglect certain food groups, you'll end up craving those foods
and binge eating. You also miss out on vital nutrients.
· *Weigh and measure foods
for at least a month but at the very least 2 weeks to be aware of serving sizes
and portions. Serving sizes and portions have gotten so distorted over the
years in restaurants and the like, that most people are completely unaware of
what a single serving actually looks like!
Most restaurant servings are 2-3 times single serving sizes.
· *Don't skip meals. Eating
5-6 times a day not only stimulates your metabolism but will keep your blood
sugar level. By consuming five or six daily meals, your body
will also convert less off the food you eat into fat and maintain a constant
blood-sugar level, making you less likely to experience periods of low energy.
Be careful not to simply eat the same sized meals you eat now, but more often -
or you might actually gain weight and raise your cholesterol.
· * Be positive. Recognize
irrational thoughts. Focus on the things that you have done right and the
positive changes that you have made.
· *Lose weight in a way
that enhances your health not in a way that detracts from it.
· *Avoid trans-fatty acids
and partly hydrogenated fats ("bad fats"). They may increase the
shelf life of certain food products, but they decrease the shelf life of people
who eat them.
· *Eat fewer "bad
carbs" like sugar and white flour. They are low in fiber, so they are a
double punch if you are trying to create healthy eating habits: a lot of
calories that don't fill you up,
· * Eat more "good
carbs" like fruits, vegetables, legumes and unrefined grains (such as
whole-wheat flour and brown rice). They are rich in fiber, which slows
absorption and fills you up before you take in too many calories.
*What you include in your diet is as important
as what you exclude. With few exceptions, those protective antioxidant and
health benefiting substances are found in good carbs, such as fruits,
vegetables, whole grains and legumes.
· *Eat less red meat. It’s loaded
with artery-clogging saturated fat and has been linked to an increased risk of
· *Begin by making moderate
changes in your diet. If you want to lower your cholesterol level or weight
even more (or if you have heart disease and want to reverse it), you may need
to make bigger changes.
· *Choose quality over
quantity. Smaller portions of good foods are more satisfying than larger
portions of junk foods, especially if you pay attention to what you're eating.
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