Vegetables And Fruits That Help Boost Immunity

Whatever the season or time of the year, your immunity should be in the best possible shape to keep you protected from avoidable infections and illnesses. It is possible to keep immunity in top shape through exercises, enough sleep and keeping stress levels down, but your diet plays a huge role in just how healthy you remain. Fortunately, there are so many vegetables and fruits you can include in your diet to boost your immunity levels because they have all the right properties. When looking at the vegetables and the fruits the richer and deeper the color the higher the antioxidants hence the more beneficial the fruit or vegetable. Sweet potatoes - Sweet potatoes that have an orange hue are high in beta carotene. This is an antioxidant that gets converted into Vitamin A by the body and it is an essential disease fighting nutrient. Sweet potatoes are some of the best fresh sources when looking for immunity boosting properties. Garlic - It has been in use for years as a remedy for a wide range of diseases. It is can actually help fight and prevent cold symptoms and it is also used as a remedy for high blood pressure thanks to the natural properties it has. Eating garlic raw is most beneficial even though you would have to put up with the pungent smell and taste. If you cannot handle chewing a clove every day, then consider adding it freshly minced to your food. You can also cook using it to reap the benefits. Kiwi - It is not a very popular fruit, but it is a good natural vitamin E source. The vitamin is an essential nutrient for the immune system because it helps in protecting the body from bacterial and viral infections. This fruit also contains plenty of Vitamin C which is a healthy nutrient. Spinach - This vegetable is very popular because it is loaded with Vitamin E, vitamins A, K and C, folate and beta carotene. It also has minerals like iron and copper and they are all vital nutrients in maintaining an immune system that is healthy. Choose the deep green leafy spinach to reap all the health benefits. Berries - The most common are blueberries, raspberries and strawberries but even less common types such as goji and acai can be just as beneficial to your immune system. They are packed with Vitamin E and C and you can enjoy them with your yoghurt which is another food that is great in boosting the immunity. Carrots - The vegetable helps in warding off flu and colds and the best is that it can be enjoyed raw because it is very sweet. Carrots have beta carotene, which is essential in immunity boosting. Eat them raw as much as you can for better results. Mushrooms - Not many people love mushrooms, but they are great at fighting and preventing diseases. They help the white blood cell maturation which results in better fighting of diseases. Find delicious recipes to enjoy the mushrooms and at the same time enjoy the immunity boosting properties. Your health depends on what you eat. If you do not have access to healthier foods, find ways you can supplement. Essential oils can also be helpful in boosting your health. Purely essential oils are high in quality. Article Source:


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