Tips For a Better Nights Sleep

Sleep is a crucial component for health, performance and daily living. During sleep our bodies repair themselves and our brains integrate new information, organize memories and put learned information into long-term memory. If you have trouble getting enough sleep these tips can help you build better habits: • Limit caffeine, particularly in the afternoon and evening. • Limit alcohol. Especially avoid excessive consumption before bed. • Try to quit tobacco use; nicotine is a stimulant. • Don’t use a computer, cell phone or handheld device in the 90 minutes before bedtime. LED lighting “tells” the brain to stay awake. • Limit television viewing before bed. • Lower the temperature in the house or bedroom before and during sleep. The body likes cooler temperatures. Many sleep doctors suggest lowering body temperature 90 minutes before bedtime. • Take a hot bath 90-120 minutes before bed. • Use the bed only for sleeping, lovemaking, and perhaps reading before sleep. • Nap only 15-20 minutes in the early afternoon, if necessary. • Keep a sleep diary to track patterns. • Eat 3-4 hours before bed and avoid heavy meals. Some evidence suggests that a light carbohydrate snack before bed helps sleep. • If possible, protect sleep from intrusions (unexpected noises); consider wearing earplugs. • If you don’t fall asleep within 30 minutes, get out of bed and do something else until your body and mind feel tired. • Meditate, listen to soothing music, or create other nighttime rituals that signal it’s time to sleep. • Use blackout curtains to block light. • Buy and use a reliable, effective alarm clock. • Invest in a comfortable mattress and pillow. Visit me at for fantastic health and wellness products and great health tips !


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